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Protección del Circuito Eléctrico + Maniobra y Protección del Motor
El guardamotor MPW es una solución compacta para la protección del circuito eléctrico y arranque/protección de motores hasta 60 hp (380V) / 75 hp(440V). Posee elevada capacidad de interrupción, permitiendo su empleo incluso instalaciones con elevado nivel de corrientes de cortocircuito. Asegura total protección al circuito eléctrico y al motor a través de su disparador térmico (ajustable para protección contra sobrecargas y tiene un mecanismo diferencial con sensibilidad contra falla de fases) y magnético (pre ajustado en 13 x In para protección contra cortocircuitos).
Posee versiones con accionamiento a través de botones (MPW16) o por accionamiento rotativo (MPW25/65/100) y indicación de disparo (Trip), permitiendo al operador la visualización del estado del guardamotor. Los guardamotores pueden ser bloqueados con candados o similar en la posición "desconectado", garantizando la seguridad en mantenimientos.
The MPW Motor-protective Circuit-breakers are a compact solution for the protection of electric circuits, and operation and protection of motors up to 45kW (380V) or 55kW (440V). With high breaking capacity, thus allowing the installation in specific applications with high short-circuit current. They assure complete protection for electric circuits and motors through thermal and magnetic releases, where the thermal protection may be set to protect against overloads and is equipped with a differential mechanism with phase-loss sensitivity, and the magnetic protection is set at 13xIn for short-circuit protection.
There are two available models, ON-OFF through pushbuttons (MPW18) or through a handle (MPW40/80/100), and both models have trip indication, which allows the operator to visualize the status of the breaker. The starting handle can be locked with a padlock on "OFF" position, ensuring safety during maintenance.
The block modules ECCMP allow the direct mounting of motor-protective circuit-breakers MPW18/40 to minicontactors CWC07... 25 or to contactors CWM9...32.
These insulated enclosures allow MPW18 and MPW40 to be installed in external environments. Developed in a way that offers the users complete protection against live parts of the electrical installation. Includes two metric cable entry knockouts, top and bottom.
The larger LPE55GN enclosures, fit a MPW40 an auxiliary contact block frontal mounting ACBF-11, an auxiliary contact block side mounting ACBS-11/ /ACBS-20/ ACBS-02, and a shunt or undervoltage release, SRMP or URMP respectively, besides a pilot light PL (in this case, without the ACBF-11).