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Cortinas de Luz de Seguridad

Imagen meramente ilustrativa

Son equipos optoelectrónicos que poseen unidades transmisoras y receptoras, produciendo una cortina de luz infrarroja, capaces de supervisar un área útil comprendida por la distancia entre tales unidades. Si el área entre las unidades es invadida, las salidas de señal conmutarán, informando al sistema de comando conectado a ésta. Pueden ser utilizadas en las más variadas aplicaciones, como por ejemplo, en seguridad para protección de manos y dedos, o rejilla electrónica.


Sobre el producto


Suitable for great variety of applications, such as hand and finger protection or electronic guards, the safety light curtains are optoelectronic devices with transmitting and receiving units, producing an infrared light screen capable of supervising the useful area covered by the distance between those units. If someone or something enters the area between the units, the signal outputs will switch informing the control system connected to it.

LSP - Light Screen Plex

The electronic circuits of the Light Screen Plex safety light screens have redundant microcontrollers able to perform their functions and all the self-diagnosis simultaneously in real time, ensuring safe operation, meeting NR12 with international certification and RoHS European directive. They also have high resolution to detect fingers and hands, programmable functions of floating and fixed blank, being basically composed of an infrared light transmitter and a receiver assembled in compact and robust units, offering easy installation and safe operation.

Main characteristics

  • Height of the protection area 200 to 1,600 mm
  • Resolution of 14 or 30 mm
  • Finger, hand and arm protection
  • Power supply 24 V DC
  • Compact size
  • Double channel output
  • Floating and fixed blank
  • Continuous self-verification of the functions
  • Protection category 4/PL e/SIL 3
  • TÜV Rheinland certification
  • Degree of protection IP65