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IEEE 841 (Ferro Fundido)

Imagem meramente ilustrativa

Os motores W22 IEEE 841 foram especialmente projetados para operar em indústrias petroquímicas e químicas. Possuem carcaça de ferro fundido, flexibilidade de forma construtiva, pés maciços e inteiriços, níveis de ruído e temperatura de operação reduzidos, pintura interna anticorrosiva e alta eficiência.


Sobre o produto


Ventilation System

The ventilation system design of the W22 line provides lower noise levels and allows a better distribution of the air flow over the motor, which minimizes hot spots on the surface and increases reliability and useful life.

  • Terminal box and eyebolts positioned so as to reduce the air flow dispersion;
  • Lower operating temperature on the bearings, resulting in longer lubrication intervals;
  • Low noise levels.



The frame design reduces the air flow dispersion and contributes to increasing the heat exchange between the motor and the environment, reducing hot spots on the frame surface and extending the bearing lubrication intervals.




Designed to improve the cooling and provide lower operating temperatures of the bearing, in addition to extending lubrication intervals.


  • Bearing hub displaced outwards the endshield;
  • Lower operating temperature;
  • Robust structure.


  • Optimized air flow;
  • Reduction of noise levels;
  • Robust structure to prevent machine deformation.



Terminal Box

The increase in the internal space of the terminal box simplifies the access to the terminals, ensuring easy and safe electrical connections during the installation and maintenance of the motor.

  • It is diagonally split for easier handling of leads and connections;
  • Can be rotated in 90° increments to suit supply cable connection orientated to the front, rear or either side of the motor.




Sealing system with InproSeal that ensures degree of protection IP56.

Tropicalized Internal Coating (Anticorrosive)

It protects internal parts, such as rotor and winding, against oxidation, increasing the reliability and durability of the motor.