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A divisão de Subestações da WEG possui know-how e larga experiência em projetos e construção de sistemas elétricos de média e alta tensão em todo o Brasil. Oferece soluções para subestações convencionais em regime turn-key abrangendo desde o projeto básico até o executivo, com estudos elétricos, suprimento de produtos e materiais, obras e serviços especializados, incluindo comissionamentos e pós-venda, coordenando e integrando todos os participantes do processo.
Located close to load centers, they are intended to reduce the voltage levels, adjusting them to the needs of each specific consumer group.
They may belong to either the utility company or large consumers. They receive electric energy from transmission or subtransmission systems, lowering the voltage to proper levels for direct use of consumers.
They interconnect circuits with the same voltage levels, enabling their multiplication and flexibility in the operation procedures of transmission and subtransmission lines.
Located in the output of generating units, they are intended to raise the voltage up to transmission and subtransmission levels, creating proper conditions for the flux of electric energy to the larger consumer centers.