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As Interfaces de Operação da série cMTx da WEG, são projetadas para atender aos mais diversos processos de automação e em diversas escalas de complexidade. Disponível nas versões 7”, 10,1” e 15,6”, seu objetivo é tornar a automação de processos produtivos complexos em uma forma mais flexível e objetiva, facilitando a integração entre homem e máquina.
The new WEG Operator Interfaces come bringing the latest in image quality, processing, and cloud integration. With Quad-Core processors and 4GB RAM memory, your applications are faster and much more robust.
Transform your HMI cMTx in a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) from an activation card, and develop your solution in CODESYS® , one of the most recognized PLC programming platforms in the world.
To meet the global demand for greater integration and management of machines and processes, WEG developed the IoT solution WEG SMART MACHINE (WSM). WSM is a cloud-based IoT solution dedicated to monitoring machines in real time and from anywhere. Applications are custom-built to meet the specific needs of each application and machine type. WSM brings pioneering innovation to OEMs, making it easy to service and improve the performance of their machines. For End Users, an impressive tool with information that facilitates production, process and maintenance management.
Increase your productivity and process control with the cMT-FHDX-820. This device has the ability to connect to various industrial communication networks and transmit its image through an HDMI® output.