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El arrancador suave SSW7000 permite el control del arranque/parada y la protección de los motores de inducción trifásicos de media tensión. Ofrecido en el rango de tensión de 2.3kVca a 13.8kVca, atiende aplicaciones que requieren potencias del rango de 300 HP a 16300 HP.
Proyectados para ofrecer un alto rendimiento, su utilización minimiza las sobrecargas en la red de alimentación durante el arranque del motor, evita los golpeos mecánicos en la carga y en el motor, elimina los golpeos de ariete en la parada de bombas, y hace la protección del motor eléctrico. Consecuentemente, eso permite un ahorro de gastos disminuiendo significativamente los costos de mantenimiento de rodamientos, de acoplamientos, de cajas reductoras, de cintas/cadenas, de los circuitos eléctricos, etc.
De este modo, el SSW7000 es la solución completa, segura y fiable para las más diversas aplicaciones y en los más distintos segmientos industriales.
The SSW7000 soft-starters are static starters that allows
to accelerate, decelerate and protect medium voltage
three-phase induction motors. The control of the voltage
applied to the motor by means of adjustments to the firing
angle of thyristors allows the soft-starter to start and stop
an electric motor smoothly, also allowing the reduction of
impacts of inrush current on the power supply and impacts of
mechanical shocks on the load and the coupling. Thus, is
possible to elimiante the inrush current to the power supply
and the mechanical schocks for the load up to the couplings.
Under/overcurrent and current imbalance, under/overvoltage and voltage imbalance, under/overtorque and active overpower, phase loss, inverted phase sequence, power arm overtemperature, motor overload, motor overtemperature (optional), external fault, ground fault by voltage or by current, power arm faults, power contactor faults, control board faults, communication fault of the HMI and between control boards, communication network faults, programming error.
For more details and more implemented functions, refer to the programming manual.
The accessories are based on the Plug & Play philosophy,
that is, they are automatically configured when connected to
the SSW7000, ensuring a faster and easier installation.
Flash memory module, network communication boards DeviceNet, Profibus-DP, Ethernet and Modbus, RS232 or RS485 interface, motor thermal protection - Pt-100 - 8 channels.
Navigation is similar to the logic used in cell phones, with the option of sequential access the groups (Menu) by means of the function access keys on the display (soft keys). It is also possible to install a multi-language touch screen HMI.
Pumps, blowers, fans, compressors, exhausters, conveyors and choppers.