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Los transformadores de media potencia son proyectados siguiendo los criterios establecidos en la norma NBR 5356, o pueden cumplir las particularidades exigidas por las concesionarias de energía y/o requisitos específicos de cada aplicación.
Medium power transformers from 3,001 to 50,000 kVA are used to adjust the voltages of the power utility companies to the levels of the consumers in general, or also to adjust the voltage for the operationalization of its own system.
These transformers are customized for each application according to the specific characteristics of each customer's system.
Market leader in Brazil, WEG is able to meet any requirements for a wide range of applications and configurations.
The verticalization of the manufacturing processes (making the electrical insulating varnish, electric wires, conventional fin radiators, tanks, insulating kits, coatings, etc.) is a remarkable characteristic and advantage of WEG, allowing broad quality control of the different production phases, as well as flexibility of lead times.
A wide network of accredit Technical Assistants is present all over Brazil, ensuring fast, local technical service and support to WEG's customers.