Several Benefits in a Single
Combining convenience and innovation, the SSW900 is the
right choice for complete motor protection and
start/stop control. Developed for industrial or professional
use, the new line of soft-starters allows easy and simple
access to the configuration settings and data. Using a menu
structure, the new interface of the SSW900 line presents an
unprecedented experience of interactivity with the user,
allowing adjustments and configurations with online parameter
help right on the HMI, in addition to event logs with date
and time and setup assistant. The equipment also has built-in
bypass, which contributes to extending the useful life of the
drive, optimizing space and reducing heat dissipation in
electric panels.
The SSW900 soft-starters feature a microprocessor, are
totally digital, incorporate state-of-the-art technology and
are designed to ensure the best performance in the start and
stop of induction motors, being a complete, low-cost
solution. The operating interface also enables easy parameter
setting, facilitating the start-up and operation. In
addition, the built-in Pump Control function enables
effective pump control, thus preventing water hammer, and the
torque control function enables accelerations and
decelerations with linear speed ramps.