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The color and gloss tones featured must be used as a reference guide only. It can not be guaranteed the accordance with the original coating.
About this Product
As an essential part of our daily routine, a floor can not only be functional and economical, it also needs to be aesthetically pleasing, even in industrial facilities. Ease of cleaning contributes to this by providing a clean look. More than that, well-maintained floors ensure a productive atmosphere for the job.
Check out the WEG solutions for the Floor segment.
Choose the W-POXI HBA 301 line
The W-POXI HBA 301 is a high-performance, self-leveling and high-performance finish thanks to its high mechanical, abrasive and chemical resistance. Its high-coverage protective film embellishes the environment with its high gloss, making the cleaning process easier. Another advantage of this coating is the availability of various colors, packaging and excellent coverage. The W-POXI HBA 301 line is also available in the WEG tinting system.
It can be mentioned as applications, places of medium and heavy traffic, for protection of industrial floors, such as workshops, chemical and petrochemical industries, sugar mills, paper mills, alcohol distilleries, etc. Paint schemes with greater efficiency it is recommended use WEG sealers and repair primers for the floor segment.