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Proyectados y desarrollados en conformidad con las normas NBR 5119 e IEC 60076-6, los Reactores WEG son referencia de confiabilidad, calidad y alto desempeño.
In long distances, typical of electric energy transmission, the reactive/capacitive effects are inherent to the operation and cause considerable losses from the generating source to the consumer source. In order to minimize such effects, and control the voltages along the whole transmission line, reactors are used in parallel with the system.
Designed and developed in compliance with NBR 5356-6 and IEC 60076-6, they are benchmark of reliability, quality and high performance.
Only genuinely Brazilian manufacturer of reactors, WEG has verticalized processes and a wide network of technical assistance. Those advantages optimize the lead times and provide the users with fast and highly reliable services.
Used in parallel with the power transmission system to minimize the reactive/capacitive effects inherent to the transmission lines due to their long lengths.