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Motores de Inducción Trifásico - Línea Master

Imagen meramente ilustrativa

Los motores línea Master se destacan por la flexibilidad de su proyecto eléctrico y mecánico, resultando en un producto con alto estándar de rendimiento, adecuado a las normas internacionales, y alineado con las tendencias mundiales.


Sobre el producto

Technical Features

  • Output: up to 50,000 kW
  • Frame: 280 to 1800 (IEC)
  • Voltage: 220 to 13,800 V
  • Speed: 3,600 to 300 rpm
  • Degree of protection: IP23, IP24(W), IP55, IP56 or IP65
  • Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
  • Rotor: squirrel cage
  • Insulation class: F or H
  • Mounting: horizontal or vertical
  • Bearing: ball bearing or sleeve bearing



The motors of the Master line can be supplied with cooling systems which vary according to the type of driven machine, application and environment where they will be installed: totally enclosed with air-air heat exchanger, totally enclosed with air-water heat exchanger,open (self-ventilated), independent ventilation and by ducts.

Totally enclosed with air-air heat exchanger

Totally enclosed with air-water heat exchanger

Open (self-ventilated)


Insulation System

The WEG MICATHERM insulation system is based on the Vacuum Pressure Impregnation process (VPI).

Using special epoxy resins, this system ensures perfect insulation of the motor coils, in a process totally free from gases harmful to the environment. For many years the VPI process has proved its efficiency and reliability in rotating electrical machines in many different applications. The insulation system is applied to machines with voltage of 380 to 15,000 V.



Maximum efficiency is obtained from the motors by means of modern software applications, which provide high precision to the project. Optimized design, high quality materials and strict control of all the manufacture phases make WEG motors ideal for different industries, such as: Mining, Waste Water, Cement, Oil & Gas, Marine, Steel, Sugar & Ethanol, Cellulose & Paper and others.