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Los SEI-WEG son desarrollados para proyectos específicos y son presentados en 4 tipos básicos constructivos, adaptados a las dimensiones de los equipos, áreas de utilización, ubicación y finalidad y son así presentados.
Proyectados y construidos atendiendo a las rígidas normas de construcciones metálicas, los Sistemas Eléctricos Integrados, están aptos a recibir e integrar una vasta gama de equipamientos electro-electrónicos en los sectores de generación, distribución, protección y comando, además de otras aplicaciones, siempre procurando atender a las más diversas solicitaciones y necesidades de cada proyecto.
From design to manufacture, WEG E-Houses are a fully customized solution, designed to meet the specific needs of each customer. Mounted on an single steel platform, WEG E-houses reduces the necessary amount of work in the field. Moreover, it prevents the necessity of permanent structures, integrating the electrical and control systems in a single platform.
Commissioned and tested at the factory, including platform test upon request, the system is supplied ready to receive the external load connections - of both energy input and output - in addition to the networks and peripherals. The full technical documentation project is delivered together with the E-house, including the structural calculation basis.
Install electric energy systems with WEG E-houses for a safe and flexible supply. They use the available space in an optimal way, which makes them ideal for a wide range of applications: in restricted spaces, as provisional power supply or as an extension of the power grid. For being installed in a very short time, they offer excellent cost effectiveness and can be easily adapted to any situation. WEG E-houses meet all project requirements and customer's needs, safe and efficiently conditioning the requested equipment. Segments such as Oil and Gas, Mining, Solar, Paper and Cellulose, Marine, Cement, among others, already trust WEG products.