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Dispositivos de Proteção Contra Surtos SPW

Imagem meramente ilustrativa

Os dispositivos de proteção contra surtos (DPS) da linha SPW foram desenvolvidos para a proteção de equipamentos e instalações contra surtos e sobretensões provenientes de descargas diretas ou indiretas na rede elétrica, mais comumente causadas por raios e/ou manobras no sistema elétrico.

Independentemente do tipo ou da origem, as descargas geram um aumento repentino na tensão da rede – os surtos e sobretensões momentâneas – que danificam equipamentos eletro-eletrônicos e a própria instalação, trazendo muitos prejuízos.


Sobre o produto

Main Features

Available in the single-phase, plug-in version for degree of protection I and II, the SPW is a protection device against voltage surges in the power line. Developed in versions with or without remote signaling contact, the SPW features visual signaling to indicate the moment to replace the protection module, and it is divided into four models, according to the prospective maximum discharge current (wave 8/20 μs): 12, 20, 45 and 60 kA.

Protection Class

The surge protectors Class I are indicated for locals subject to direct and high intensity strokes, typical characteristic of installations and building supplied directly by overhead distribution power lines exposed to lightning discharges. It is recommended the installation of the surge protector class I in the input point of power line in the building.

For locals where the power grid is subject to indirect lightning discharges, typical case of internal installations of homes and/or buildings supplied by embedded/underground power lines, the surge protectors Class II are recommended. It is recommended to install them on the switch board panel.