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Motores de Inducción Trifásico Rotor Bobinado - Línea Master

Imagen meramente ilustrativa

Los motores línea Master se destacan por la flexibilidad de su proyecto eléctrico y mecánico, resultando en un producto con alto estándar de rendimiento, adecuado a las normas internacionales, y alineado con las tendencias mundiales.


Sobre el producto

Technical Features

  • Output: 160 to 27,000 kW
  • Voltage: 220 to 13,800 V
  • Frame: 280 to 1600 (IEC)
  • Number of poles: 4 to 14
  • Insulation class: F
  • Degree of protection: IP23, IP24(W), IP55 to IP65
  • Mounting: horizontal or vertical
  • Bearing: ball bearing or sleeve bearing
  • Rotor: wound and with collector rings
  • Brush holder: with motorized brush lifting system



Motorized brush lifting implies important advantages in the performance of the motor throughout the years:

  • Avoids constant and premature wearing of the brushes and collector rings;
  • Reduces the stops for maintenance and replacement of brushes;
  • Avoids the accumulation of dust on the brushes inside the brush compartment, keeping the insulation level of the rotor high;
  • Increases the useful life of the brushes, collector rings and, consequently, that of the motor.


These motors are recommended in cases in which the load has a high resistant torque or high inertia at starting. The external resistances are used only to start the motor providing high torque and strongly reducing the inrush current. The brushes are in contact with the collector rings only at starting which avoids unnecessary wearing of the brushes and collector rings during rated operation allowing a longer time of use of the set.

Examples of applications:

Ball mills, fans, exhaust fans, crushers, pumps in general and others.