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Expo e Congresso Brasileiro de Mineração acontece de 9 a 12 de setembro Saiba mais
Conference wil be held at the Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, BC on September 9th to 11th, 2019. Saiba mais
O evento foi dedicado a especialistas técnicos e comerciais da filial chilena da FLSmidth Saiba mais
WEG / VJP is excited to be part of the Atlantic Canada Petroleum Show, the East Coast Canada’s Premier Energy Event, on June 18 -19 in St. John’s Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. Saiba mais
Durante o mês de abril a equipe visitou 12 países interagindo diretamente com 150 pessoas chave e formadores de opinião, diretamente envolvidas na indústria de O&G Saiba mais
Visit WEG/VJP booth to learn more on how our business is interconnected to improve your business, through our solutions with electrical machinery. Saiba mais
The CIM convention & Expo is organized by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Saiba mais
Conferência acontece no dia 22 de maio na Faculdade de Engenheiros Civis de Madrid Saiba mais
Learning more on how to increase productive while reducing energy cost by removing some instrumentation and control valves and by utilizing VFD with built-in PLC. Saiba mais
World´s largest annual Water Quality Technical Conference and Exhibition takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana USA Saiba mais