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2012.6.20-22,第十六届华南自动化展在深圳成功召开,本届展会的总规模达到28, 000平方米,来自30多个国家和地区的500余家中外品牌,带来了众多尖端的工业自动化技术和设备。作为全球自动化行业内的领军品牌,WEG也受邀参加了该届展会。在为期三天的展会期间,WEG总共接待了近500位参观者,通过工作人员的介绍和答疑,行业内的参观者对WEG这个品牌有进一步了解,更有潜在客户商讨未来可能的合作事宜。
Founded in 1961, WEG is a global electro-electronic equipment company, operating in the capital goods sector a with focus on electric motors, gearboxes and drives and controls, energy generation and transformers, electrification products and systems, automation and digitalization.
WEG stands out in innovation by constantly developing solutions to meet the major trends in energy efficiency, renewable energy and electric mobility.
With manufacturing units in 17 countries and present in more than 135 countries, the company has more than 45,000 employees worldwide. WEG’s net revenue reached R$ 32.5 billion in 2023, 52.9% from external markets.