Year 2014 has been very promising for the rice-growing sector throughout Brazil. By August, exports reached 666.5 thousand tons of rice, according to the Brazilian Development Industry and Foreign Trade Ministry. This represents 164.8 thousand tons more over the same period last year.
Since production is booming, more efficient and cost effective processes needed to be developed to increase profits and lower operating expenses. WEG developed an energy efficient solution for Juriti Cooperative, located in the town of Massaranduba, Santa Catarina. The WEG solution consisted of installing a high efficiency motor, CFW11 frequency inverter and a pressure transmitter in the bag filtering system. This new equipment controls the speed of the filter exhauster, according to the actual need of dust collection. This solution greatly improved the entire de-dusting operation, eliminating harmful solid residue from the environment.
Juriti´s president, Silvério Orzechowski stated, “This solution reduced electric energy consumption by 70%, which will enable us to achieve a return on investment within nine months”. In addition he stated, “There are other benefits such as lower energy demand, improved process control and stability, system automation and extended lifetime of the filter bags and pipes”.
Headquartered in the state of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, Juriti Cooperative has been processing, industrializing and commercializing rice for its associated members, since the 1960’s.