WEG was the highlight of the 22nd edition of the Santa Catarina Top of Mind award. The company won first in five categories including, Large Company of Santa Catarina, Focus on Innovation, Machinery and Equipment and Automotive Foundry Works. Mr. Harry Schmelzer Jr., President, and CEO of WEG was also named as the Outstanding Businessman of the Year in the Industry Sector.
Promoted by the state of Santa Catarina newspapers Diario Catarinense, A Notícia, and Jornal de Santa Catarina, in partnership with the Institute Map, the Top of Mind has been held for 22 years. As in previous years, the winners were defined based on a careful survey conducted by the MAPA Institute, where over thousand people were interviewed in 25 cities in Santa Catarina all with significant buying potential. 150 business executives were also asked to determine the winners of the Top Executive category, which resulted in 21 awards statewide then a popular vote decided the categories Top Population, which included 15 state segments, eight special and five regional.
The Top of Mind Awards are given to companies and leaders most mentioned by consumers and business executives. The award ceremony took place on the evening of Thursday, June 02th, 2016 in the auditorium of the Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (First), in Florianópolis.