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Showing 1 - 10 of 112 results
WEG Recognized with Quality Excellence Award by MWM

WEG Recognized with Quality Excellence Award by MWM

The award highlights the company's performance in quality and delivery times, reaffirming its commitment to excellence. Know more

WEG achieves Gold certification in EcoVadis for the second consecutive year

WEG achieves Gold certification in EcoVadis for the second consecutive year

This recognition reinforces WEG's commitment to sustainability Know more

WEG highlighted in the Inovativos Award

WEG highlighted in the Inovativos Award

Company wins in the categories of Industrial Intelligence and Sales Excellence Know more

WEG receives excellence in quality award for the third consecutive year

WEG receives excellence in quality award for the third consecutive year

Caterpillar awards WEG for Supplying alternators with exceptional quality standards Know more

Décio da Silva, Chairman of WEG’s Board, receives the title of Eminent Engineer of the Year 2024

Décio da Silva, Chairman of WEG’s Board, receives the title of Eminent Engineer of the Year 2024

The engineer began his career at the age of 12 in the "WEG school" and is now a national reference in management. Know more

WEG is Recognized as an Industry Leader in Santa Catarina in Brazil

WEG is Recognized as an Industry Leader in Santa Catarina in Brazil

Award held by the NSC group recognizes companies that are close to the hearts of Santa Catarina residents Know more

WEG was granted the Broadcast Empresas Award

WEG was granted the Broadcast Empresas Award

The company won the award that selects listed companies that delivered the best results for its shareholders in the previous year Know more

WEG among the Most Innovative in Brazil in 2024

WEG among the Most Innovative in Brazil in 2024

In all 10 editions of the Valor Inovação yearbook, the Company has always been among the top 10 ranked Know more

WEG receives the iNO.VC ArcelorMittal Innovation Award

WEG receives the iNO.VC ArcelorMittal Innovation Award

Company stands out in Open Innovation in the state of Santa Catarina Know more


WEG Mexico obtains the quality certificate from the global organization QUALICOAT

WEG Mexico obtains the quality certificate from the global organization QUALICOAT

This gives buyers the assurance that they will receive a high-quality product that offers long-term value and consistent quality. Know more