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This Award was presented by the Brazilian financial newspaper Valor Econômico, based on several aspects: percentage of resources invested... Conozca más
The well-respected Brazilian financial and business magazine Exame announced that WEG has been honored with the prestigious Company of th... Conozca más
WEG’s CEO wins the Valuable Executive award from the Valor Econômico newspaper seven times in a row. Conozca más
The only company from Latin America to be named to the “Top Companies for Leaders 2014”, the most complete leadership study in the world. Conozca más
WEG’s CEO wins the Valuable Executive award from the Valor Econômico newspaper six times in a row. Conozca más
WEG’s CEO wins the Valuable Executive award from the Valor Econômico newspaper five times in a row. Conozca más
The company is among Brazil’s most innovative enterprises in the category Large Companies. Conozca más
このほどブラジル国内の優秀企業経営リーダーらが表彰された。デシオ‐ダ‐シルバ氏ほか、サンタ‐カタリーナ州の代表リーダー4名もランキング入りした Conozca más
WEG社がキャタピラー品質認定証の銅賞を受賞。 Conozca más
Boston Consulting Group はDavosで開催された第39回国際フォーラムで、発展途上国において[チャレンジ的]見なされた100企業のリストを発表。。。 Conozca más