With health, service and leisure attractions, WEG Community Action 2006, in it is celebrated the company's 45th anniversary "Enjoying Life". Over 700 volunteers 11th edition, and 47 entities gathered in the Municipal Events Park in the city of JaraguĂĄ do Sul/SC to offer a series of benefits to the local community.
The proposal is to awaken interests and incite partners and society to a continuous discussion about social responsibility, trully exercising citizenship. The event includes free services for children, youths and adults in the areas of health, education, services, and leisure with various activities like preventive medical and dental exams, orientation about nutrition, good citizenship practices and recreational activities.
This WEG Community Action, is always celebrated along with the company's anniversary, and is intended to offer a service that is more individualized and dedicated to each visitor", explains Afonso Bortolini, Human Resource Manager. In 2005, the Action provided assistance to over 25 thousand cases. This year, with the new proposal, the total number of assisted cases was about 22.800 (over 170 thousand cases throughout all of its editions). "We are happy with the results and, for next year, we are already thinking of new proposals", says Telma Elita Delfino, coordinator of the Action.