MSCI ESG Research is a leading provider of ESG ratings and analysis to the global investment community, covering more than 5,700 publicly traded companies worldwide. The MSCI Global Sustainability indices are designed for investors that are searching for companies with a strong sustainability profile and that are representative of their overall market. Publicly traded companies are reviewed annually for inclusion in the index.
Along with the recent selection of WEG in the MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes, they are also part of other prominent sustainability indexes such as the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), by BM&F Bovespa and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI-SAM).
All these listings acknowledge WEG as one of the leading companies that demonstrates a continued commitment to sustainable practices.
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For more than 40 years, MSCI's research-based indexes and analytics have helped the world's leading investors build and manage better portfolios. Clients rely on their offerings for deeper insights into the drivers of performance and risk in their portfolios.