WEG, a reference of the National industry, in Electric Motors manufacturing, project and implementation of Automation, Energy and Services Solutions, has in its Corporate DNA a focus on Social Responsability.

With two industrial units in Portugal, one in Maia and another one in Santo Tirso, WEG aims to keep a good relation and support the local communities, involving its Employees in this positive helping spirit.

As it’s known, 2020 was an atypical year and WEG’s usual campaigns, such as Blood Donation, which was promoted in cooperation with Instituto Português do Sangue, could not take place, a lot of others campaigns have arisen in a pandemic scenario.

In March and April’s 2020 lock down, WEG answered quickly to the community appeal and has donated IT equipment (computers, displays, keybords, mouses, cameras and headsets) to QPI – Qualificar para Incluir – a known welfare organization that, since 2001, has helped 450 families in need and has as its main intervention, the scholar and professional qualification of children, youth and adults. This donation allowed 10 children to attend online classes.

As WEG’s internal campaign motto says “It is good to do some good” and counting with the contribution of some Volunteers (which provided their 3D printers, free time and work), WEG has managed to produce protection equipment and to help 23 Institutions from Porto and Braga that lacked face shields and ear protectors.

Besides those campaigns, that were mostly linked to the COVID-19 Pandemic, 65 Volunteers gathered and offered Christmas gifts to 12 youngsters from ASAS - Associação de Solidariedade Social e Ação Social – from Santo Tirso. WEG has complemented this offer by suppressing some material needs, identified by the Institution. In the course of 2020, WEG responded positively to the appeal of the Volunteer Fire Corporation of Santo Tirso, and has made a donation that contributed to repair a stairwell, consequently improving their technical response to all community.

The year ended with two more donations: one to Acreditar which allowed to sponsor an one month stay of a family of a child in cancer treatment, in the Acreditar House, in Porto, and another to AFPAD – Associação Famalicense de Prevenção e Apoio à Deficiência – used for the acquisiton of work material that will improve the cognitive and motor development of handicaped people that are helped by the Institution. Social Responsability and Sustainability are part of WEG’s culture, being something this Company understands, respects, seeks and promotes alongside its Employees, since its foundation.