A robust, efficient and reliable solution that delivers peak performance, ideal for demanding industrial cooling applications Know more
Company’s involvement in this initiative reinforces its leadership in high-efficiency motor solutions Know more
The choice of WEG equipment demonstrates the park's concern with quality and reliability in its electrical infrastructure Know more
The hydrogenerators will strengthen renewable energy production at the hydroelectric power plant Know more
Integrated package will drive a sugar mill in a company from the sugar-energy sector Know more
The shielded busbars are an alternative to electrical cables, offering energy savings and quality, while the transformers will be integrated into the substation of the enterprise development, ensuring a safer and more efficient operation Know more
Aiming to strengthen the electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Brazil, Estapar parking lots, which is an investor in Zletric, will feature WEG technology Know more
With this solution, the plant reaffirms its commitment to sustainable practices, solidifying its leadership in clean and efficient energy generation Know more
WEG welcomes U.S. Government Delegation Know more
Investments in large-scale projects drive the growth of the pulp and paper segment in Brazil Know more