Harry Schmelzer Jr., CEO of the WEG Group, won for the fourth time in a row the Valuable Executive Award in the category Industrial Machines and Equipment. Held by the Valor Econômico newspaper, the award chooses the best executives in 24 sectors of the market.
In its twelfth edition, the Valuable Executive Award ceremony was held yesterday in the Espaço Rosa Rosarum venue, in São Paulo, Brazil. The criteria used by the judges are based on the executives’ business management, in 2011, taking into account results, identification of opportunities for innovation and growth, besides the reputation of the professional on the market and the capacity to adapt to sectors and companies.
This is the fourth time Harry wins the award and ninth that WEG achieves a place in the ranking in 10 years. The other five were won by Décio da Silva, current Chairman of the WEG Group.
“We are going through a year of many achievements. Besides resuming a 2-digit growth, we accomplished strategic acquisitions and partnerships in Brazil and abroad. The support of all associates, customers and shareholders was essential for those achievements, and the recognition of Valor Econômico will certainly encourage us to continue in the path of growth” says Harry.
See the full list of the awarded executives below:
Alessandro Carlucci - Natura
André Esteves - BTG Pactual
André Gerdau Johannpeter - Gerdau
Antonio Carlos Valente -Telefônica/Vivo
Carlos Fadigas de Souza -Braskem
Cledorvino Belini -Fiat
Fabio Hering - Hering
Fabio Schvartsman - Klabin
Fabio Venturelli - São Martinho
Harry Schmelzer Jr. - WEG
Hélio Rotenberg - Positivo
Heraldo Marchezini - Sanofi-Aventis
Jayme Garfynkel - Porto Seguro
João Castro Neves - Ambev
José Antonio do Prado Fay - BRF Foods
José Antonio Grabowsky - PDG Realty
José Drummond Júnior - Whirlpool
Laércio Cosentino - TOTVS
Luiza Helena Trajano - Magazine Luiza
Marcelo Bertini - Cinemark
Murilo Ferreira - Vale
Renato Alves Vale - CCR
Wesley Batista - JBS
Wilson Ferreira Jr. - CPFL