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WEG solution on a ship for the safe transport of oil

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WEG solution on a ship for the safe transport of oil

Installed alternators generate energy for the entire shipSaiba mais

WEG supplies seventy-six  W22 Smoke Extraction motors for the largest road tunnel in Brazil

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WEG supplies seventy-six W22 Smoke Extraction motors for the largest road tunnel in Brazil

New mountain range stretch of Tamoios highway has been completed and is already in operationSaiba mais

WEG supplies high voltage motors to the largest gas power plant in Central Asia

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WEG supplies high voltage motors to the largest gas power plant in Central Asia

The motors supplied by the company for this project were manufactured at the factory in ChinaSaiba mais

WEG motors equip Multinational Cement Industry in Colombia

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WEG motors equip Multinational Cement Industry in Colombia

Solution with Master line motor will increase efficiency and reduce downtime for maintenanceSaiba mais

WEG will present Industry 4.0 solutions during International Fair in São Paulo

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WEG will present Industry 4.0 solutions during International Fair in São Paulo

Event will take place from July 18th to 21st in São Paulo, BrazilSaiba mais

WEG supplies solutions to Air Separation Plant Project in USA

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WEG supplies solutions to Air Separation Plant Project in USA

The motors will be installed with the compressors in air separation units located in two different offshore platforms Saiba mais

WEG supplies motors for a company expansion plan on the steel sector

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WEG supplies motors for a company expansion plan on the steel sector

WEG Master line induction motors will guarantee low downtime and, consequently, cost reduction for the customerSaiba mais

BRF chooses WEG as IoT solution provider for asset management

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BRF chooses WEG as IoT solution provider for asset management

With WEG solutions, BRF, one of the world's largest food companies, will advance in the pursuit of greater efficiency, availability, and reliability of its assetsSaiba mais

WEG solutions guarantee safety and efficiency in energy supply for educational institutions

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WEG solutions guarantee safety and efficiency in energy supply for educational institutions

WEG dry-type transformers will play an important role in the Bom Jesus school substationSaiba mais

WEG is now a member of AGMA

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WEG is now a member of AGMA

Equipment must follow globally established and recognized standardsSaiba mais

Highly efficient Water and Wastewater treatment plant

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Highly efficient Water and Wastewater treatment plant

Driven by WEG high efficiency equipment, local Public Water (SAMAE) is regarded as a reference in Brazil for this type of applicationSaiba mais

WEG solution for geothermal power plant in Turkey

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WEG solution for geothermal power plant in Turkey

The company products are increasingly aligned with renewable energy generation and helps protecting the environment by reducing CO2 emissions Saiba mais

Improved design and efficiency tips balance toward HV motor replacement

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Improved design and efficiency tips balance toward HV motor replacement

Compared to HV machines designed 20 to 30 years ago, advances in technology allow for these HV units to often be manufactured smaller than the originalsSaiba mais

WEG supplies turnkey synchronous condenser system to utility the United States

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WEG supplies turnkey synchronous condenser system to utility the United States

The system will support the utility’s reliable provision of electricity through their transmission and distribution network in the North American marketSaiba mais

The most efficient WEG motor on the market can operate in hazardous areas

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The most efficient WEG motor on the market can operate in hazardous areas

W23 Sync+ and W23 Sync+Ultra line receive CSA certificationSaiba mais

WEGmotion Drives Solutions Supplied to Africa

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WEGmotion Drives Solutions Supplied to Africa

Integrated package will drive a sugar mill in a company from the sugar-energy sectorSaiba mais

WEG Supplies Hydrogenerators for Project in Portugal

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WEG Supplies Hydrogenerators for Project in Portugal

The hydrogenerators will strengthen renewable energy production at the hydroelectric power plantSaiba mais