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Copper Recovery Co. Chooses WEG as their Single Source Supplier for their Recycling Equipment Manufacturing

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Copper Recovery Co. Chooses WEG as their Single Source Supplier for their Recycling Equipment Manufacturing

Copper Recovery, based out of California, is a manufacturer of wire and cable recycling equipment.Saiba mais

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Top Company in Mechanical and Steel industry

WEG was selected as the best Mechanical and Steel industry company by financial Época Negócios 360° magazineSaiba mais

WEG é Top of Mind de SC

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WEG é Top of Mind de SC

Empresa foi a vencedora das categorias Grande Empresa Catarinense da Indústria e Empresário Destaque da Indústria.Saiba mais

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WEG and Mr. Harry Schmelzer Jr. Win Top of Mind 2016

WEG won the award in five categories, including large company of the state of Santa Catarina along with Focus on innovation, machinery, a...Saiba mais

WEG é reconhecida como empresa referência da indústria em Santa Catarina

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WEG é reconhecida como empresa referência da indústria em Santa Catarina

Premiação realizada pelo grupo NSC reconhece empresas que estão no coração dos catarinensesSaiba mais

WEG está na lista LinkedIn Top Companies 2021

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WEG está na lista LinkedIn Top Companies 2021

A lista elenca anualmente as empresas que oferecem as melhores oportunidades de crescimento profissional Saiba mais

WEG no topo das mais inovadoras do Brasil

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WEG no topo das mais inovadoras do Brasil

Companhia foi a grande vencedora do Prêmio Nacional de Inovação na categoria Gestão da Inovação – Grande Empresa.Saiba mais

Motores WEG garantem eficiência energética em empresa Colombiana

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Motores WEG garantem eficiência energética em empresa Colombiana

Além de reduzir o seu consumo de energia, a companhia pretende minimizar os impactos ambientais de seu processo produtivoSaiba mais

WEG no topo das mais Inovadoras em TI do Brasil

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WEG no topo das mais Inovadoras em TI do Brasil

Empresa foi a 1ª colocada na categoria Holdings e Grupos Empresariais do Prêmio “As 100 + Inovadoras em TI”, realizada pela IT Mídia em parceria com a PwCSaiba mais

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WEG is appointed as best reputation company in Brazil in Capital Goods sector

The Survey conducted by Merco Consulting points out Brazilian companies and business leaders with the best reputation in the countrySaiba mais

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WEG in World´s Clean200 List

Carbon Clean200TM Report (Clean200TM) publishes list of top 200 clean energy companies publicly traded in the world. WEG stands out in 10...Saiba mais

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For the 3rd time on the BCG ranking

The Boston Consulting Group publishes its list of the Top 100 Global Challengers of emerging countries at the 39th World Forum in Davos. ...Saiba mais


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WEG is listed as one of the Most Globalized Companies in the World by The Boston Consulting Group

The most recent report of The Boston Consulting Group lists WEG as one of the top globalized companies in the world for 2014.Saiba mais


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WEG wins prestigous award in global ‘Top Companies For Leaders Study 2011'

WEG, a major global solutions provider of power supply, power distribution, power transmission and turnkey automation systems, has been h...Saiba mais


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WEG Named Among the Best in the World for Leadership

The only company from Latin America to be named to the “Top Companies for Leaders 2014”, the most complete leadership study in the world.Saiba mais

WEG Mexico receives for the 7th consecutive year the recognition as 'Super Company'

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WEG Mexico receives for the 7th consecutive year the recognition as "Super Company"

The Ranking recognizes the companies with the most innovative corporate practices that promote a positive work environment.Saiba mais

Motores de alta eficiência são grandes redutores de custos

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Motores de alta eficiência são grandes redutores de custos

Modernos motores de alta eficiência estão ajudando minas africanas a cortar custos de energia e manutençãoSaiba mais

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WEG Strengthens Business Relationships in Algeria

The CEO of WEG, Harry Schmelzer Jr., took part of a business development Mission to Algeria on November 13th - 16th, 2016.Saiba mais

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BCG 100: WEG ranks among the 13 Brazilian companies

Brazil ranks third when it comes to number of companies in the ranking of the 100 emerging giants of the Boston Consulting Group report, ...Saiba mais


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WEG is Recognized as a Company with the Best Investor Relations Program

Awarded by IR Magazine Awards Brazil 2016, WEG is recognized as a company with excellent transparency and communication with its investor...Saiba mais
