Produtos e Soluções /
Copper Recovery, based out of California, is a manufacturer of wire and cable recycling equipment.Know more
Prêmios /
WEG was selected as the best Mechanical and Steel industry company by financial Época Negócios 360° magazineKnow more
Prêmios /
Empresa foi a vencedora das categorias Grande Empresa Catarinense da Indústria e Empresário Destaque da Indústria.Know more
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WEG won the award in five categories, including large company of the state of Santa Catarina along with Focus on innovation, machinery, a...Know more
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Premiação realizada pelo grupo NSC reconhece empresas que estão no coração dos catarinensesKnow more
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A lista elenca anualmente as empresas que oferecem as melhores oportunidades de crescimento profissional Know more
Prêmios /
Companhia foi a grande vencedora do Prêmio Nacional de Inovação na categoria Gestão da Inovação – Grande Empresa.Know more
Produtos e Soluções /
Além de reduzir o seu consumo de energia, a companhia pretende minimizar os impactos ambientais de seu processo produtivoKnow more
Prêmios /
Empresa foi a 1ª colocada na categoria Holdings e Grupos Empresariais do Prêmio “As 100 + Inovadoras em TI”, realizada pela IT Mídia em parceria com a PwCKnow more
Prêmios /
The Survey conducted by Merco Consulting points out Brazilian companies and business leaders with the best reputation in the countryKnow more
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Carbon Clean200TM Report (Clean200TM) publishes list of top 200 clean energy companies publicly traded in the world. WEG stands out in 10...Know more
Prêmios /
The Boston Consulting Group publishes its list of the Top 100 Global Challengers of emerging countries at the 39th World Forum in Davos. ...Know more
Corporativo /
The most recent report of The Boston Consulting Group lists WEG as one of the top globalized companies in the world for 2014.Know more
Feiras e Eventos /
WEG, a major global solutions provider of power supply, power distribution, power transmission and turnkey automation systems, has been h...Know more
Prêmios /
The only company from Latin America to be named to the “Top Companies for Leaders 2014”, the most complete leadership study in the world.Know more
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The Ranking recognizes the companies with the most innovative corporate practices that promote a positive work environment.Know more
Produtos e Soluções /
Modernos motores de alta eficiência estão ajudando minas africanas a cortar custos de energia e manutençãoKnow more
Geral /
The CEO of WEG, Harry Schmelzer Jr., took part of a business development Mission to Algeria on November 13th - 16th, 2016.Know more
Corporativo /
Brazil ranks third when it comes to number of companies in the ranking of the 100 emerging giants of the Boston Consulting Group report, ...Know more
Prêmios /
Awarded by IR Magazine Awards Brazil 2016, WEG is recognized as a company with excellent transparency and communication with its investor...Know more