WEG was selected as the best Mechanical and Steel industry company by financial Ăpoca NegĂłcios 360° magazine. The research chooses the best companies in each of 26 economy sectors according to their performance in six dimensions. WEG stood out as leader in four of them - financial development, corporate governance, innovation, social responsibility, and second-placed in two - future vision and HR practices. The company scored 520 points, while the average of the first five companies was 344. "Decisions are never made individually. All of them are made by a committee, executive management and board of directors", says Harry Schmelzer Jr., WEG President and CEO referring to the achievement in the corporate governance dimension. In its second edition, the guide is the result of a technical partnership with Dom Cabral Foundation - which took part in the development of the methodology, carried out the field research and final processing of the information.