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Interruptores Seccionadores SIW

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Os Interruptores-Seccionadores SIW possuem as mesmas carcaças dos minidisjuntores nas versões bipolar, tripolar e tripolar + neutro, porém são desprovidos dos disparadores térmicos e magnéticos, ou seja, não possuem curvas de disparo, tendo a função de seccionar circuitos elétricos com correntes de até 100A conforme norma IEC 60947-3.


About this Product


The SIW switch-disconnectors have the same dimensions as the mini circuit breakers in the two, three and four-pole versions + neutral; however, they do not have thermal and magnetic trips, that is, they do not have trip curves. Their function is to disconnect electrical circuits with currents up to 100A, according to IEC 60947-3.