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Transformador a Seco

Imagem meramente ilustrativa

Fabricados com a melhor resina epóxi disponível no mercado, não apresentam risco de explosão e não propagam fogo. Ideais para ambientes que necessitam de economia de espaço, são compactos, proporcionam baixo custo de instalação e facilidade na manutenção.


Sobre o produto

What is the function of a dry-type transformer (encapsulated)?

The dry-type transformers use the ambient air as cooling medium – and also insulation – of their windings and other parts.  

Their main and usual purpose if the same as that of transformers immersed in insulating liquid, that is, to adjust the primary voltage to the levels used in industries, homes and enterprises in general.



WEG Differentials

WEG offers a wide range of dry-type transformers, in the voltage classes up to 36.2 kV, having over twenty years of experience in the manufacture of such product with consolidated technology for all applications.

Continuous innovation, research and development processes focused on the specific needs of each customer. 

The verticalization of the manufacturing processes is a remarkable characteristic and advantage of WEG, allowing broad quality control of the different production phases, as well as flexibility of lead times.


A wide network of accredit Technical Assistants is present all over Brazil, ensuring fast, local technical service and support to WEG's customers. 

Prototypes certified in short circuit tests in national and international laboratories.

Tests of the resin resistance to high temperature gradients (+105° C to -20° C).

Degree of protection totally adjustable to the needs of each environment/application.




Considering the strong appeal to minimization of the environmental impact and fire risks, in addition to lower installation and maintenance costs, their most usual applications are:

  • Residential condos and companies 
  • Shopping malls and entertainment centers 
  • Hospitals
  • Commercial and industrial buildings in general
  • Data centers
  • Airports 
  • Offshore platforms and ships



  • Usual outputs of 112.5, 150, 225, 300, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 5000, 7500, 10000, 12500, 15000 e 20000 kVA, in the classes up to 36.2 kV;
  • Manufacture according to ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) or IEC – International Electric Code;
  • High voltage encapsulated in epoxy resin suitable for thermal demands up to 200 °C;
  • Options of supply for all IP degrees of protection established by national and international standards;
  • Ecologically correct, since they do not have insulating fluids with potential environmental impact or emission of toxic gases;
  • Low maintenance costs;
  • Low space requirement, being compact in comparison to transformers immersed in insulating liquid;
  • Greater safety, since the resin used has self-extinguishing properties;
  • No need for special civil works, such as fire stop walls or oil containment basin;
  • Simplified protection system;
  • Reduction of the installation insurance costs;
  • Low installation costs, reducing investment in cabling, since they can be installed close to the load centers, and not require containment tanks.