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Borne Parafuso BTWP

Imagem meramente ilustrativa

Os bornes da linha BTWP utilizam a técnica de conexão tipo parafuso. O comprimento da isolação a ser removido e o torque

de aperto para cada modelo de borne estão indicados nas tabelas de seleção.

Quando o parafuso é apertado, a pressão resultante promove uma deformação no terminal, que por sua vez, trava o parafuso

para que este não se solte. Este sistema assegura a qualidade final de conexão com mínimas perdas elétricas.


Sobre o produto

It is simple to use: remove the isolation from the conductor, insert the conductor into the terminal block and tighten the screw with a properly screwdriver. The length of the isolation to be removed and the tightening torque for each terminal block model is shown in the selection guides.

When the screw is tightened, the resulting pressure causes a deformation in the terminal which locks the screw preventing it from loosening. This system ensures connection and quality with minimum electrical losses.

Main Features

  • Terminal block body in PA66 polyamide, with excellent dielectric properties and high mechanical resistance
  • Internal conductor element with high current conduction capacity
  • Conical-shaped cable entry to facilitate insertion
  • Unlosable screw
  • Certification for classified areas (EX, ATEX, IECEX)

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Login and password are supplied for the customers who took the training and signed a partnership agreement with WEG.

  • Software SB-PW 5.0
  • Milling Machine Operation PWEA4 Manual
Restricted Area