Confiabilidade é um objetivo de todos na WEG. Por isso nós somos capazes de fornecer a você produtos robustos para atender as principais necessidades do processo produtivo. Seja para coqueria, sinterização, alto forno, convertedores, lingotamento contínuo, ou laminação. Os motores, drives, painéis e geradores WEG são desenvolvidos para suportar esses ambientes agressivos com excelência.
WEG motors easily adapt to the operating requirements of steel plant applications with high efficiency and flexibility in installation and maintenance. They have been designed to meet the electrical and mechanical needs of a steel plant.
Incorporating the most advanced technology available for speed variation and performance at the start and stop of motors, WEG has the complete solution for the most diverse applications in a Steel Plant, allowing control, safety and easy operation.
Excellence in the technology of energy supply and focus on the customer, combined with the use of high quality raw materials and project customization, give WEG transformers a competitive edge. These features provide better performance of the equipment, considerably reducing maintenance shutdown.
High-performance products and excellent anti-corrosive protection are essential to ensure the integrity of machines and equipment in the steel industry. We offer liquid and powder paints that meet the most demanding standards of the sector, from the primer to the top coat, with formulations that meet the needs of the segment.
Contact us and we will be glad to answer your questions