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Painéis Totalmente Testados TTW01

Imagem meramente ilustrativa

Robustos, de fácil montagem e dimensionamento simples, os Painéis Totalmente Testados TTW01 são fabricados de forma a permitir a montagem de painéis por empresas integradoras devidamente treinadas pela WEG.


Sobre o produto

Flexibility and Safety in Electric Energy Distribution

Designed for all types of necessities, the TTW01 panels meet the requirements of industrial and commercial installations in currents up to 5,000 A. Safety, robustness, flexibility and modularity are characteristics that define the design of these panels.

Standardization and Flexibility

  • Simplified installation and operations;
  • Unique reliability of totally tested panels;
  • Robust and compact structure;
  • In compliance with the applicable safety standards;
  • Fast manufacture and short lead time.


Developed to ensure quality, safety and stability in the electric energy distribution of your installation, WEG totally tested panels are prepared to face all types of demand. With innovative technology and modern design, the TTW01 is ideal for your necessity.

Restricted Area

Login and password are supplied for the customers who took the training and signed a partnership agreement with WEG.

  • Training Documents
  • TTW Columns and Boxes Manuals
  • Labels
  • TTW Bulletin
  • Kit Tables
  • TTW01 Boxes and Columns – 2D Drawing
  • Thermal dissipation
  • Videos
Restricted Area