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Motores de Indução Trifásicos Refrigerado por Manto d’água

Imagem meramente ilustrativa

Os motores da linha WGM20 são compactos e foram desenvolvidos para atender as mais diversas aplicações. São aptos a operar em ambientes confinados e agressivos, que necessitam baixo nível de ruído e mínima dissipação térmica para o ambiente. Possuem sistema de canais de refrigeração, que facilita a inspeção e limpeza, reduzindo os custos com manutenção.


Sobre o produto

Technical Features

  • Output: 200 up to 2,800 kW
  • Frame: 355 to 560 (IEC)
  • Voltage: 400 to 4,160 V
  • Number of poles: 4 to 8
  • Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
  • Insulation class: F
  • Service factor: 1.0
  • Mounting: horizontal or vertical
  • Degree of protection: IP55 and IP56
  • Cooling method: IC71W


Cooling System

The water jacket cooling system consists of a water flow in a “zigzag” circuit throughout the frame, which makes the channel cleaning operation easier. This cooling system has a proper degree of protection suitable for aggressive, reduced-space, or high-temperature environments. The thermal exchange of the motor does not depend on the environment and allows several torque combinations with motor speed.


Designed with state-of-the-art technology by R&D and engineering specialists with the application of superior raw materials and modern software, the WGM20 motors are suitable for industrial and marine applications. Its modern concept resulted a high performance and reliable product even under the most severe operational conditions. This motor line can be supplied with Marine Certification such as Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, ABS and DNV.


Main and side propeller, firefighting pumps and winch.