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El W30 Smart EC es una solución simple y eficiente para aplicaciones de movimiento de aire que requieren ajuste de velocidad. La eficiencia total del sistema (motor + accionamiento) atiende al nivel de eficiencia determinado por la norma europea IEC 60034-30-1.
1. Totally Enclosed, Non-ventilated. Output limited to 0,65 kW. Refer to WEG for electrical data.
2. Totally Enclosed, Air Over rated. Minimum airflow over motor frame and drive cover 5 m/s.
3. The W30 Smart EC reaches the future IE6 level of efficiency, the highest in the market - considering 20% less losses then IE5 according to the standard IEC TS 60034-30-2 - for variable speed electric motor.
4 - W30 Smart EC require the use of an external filter (passive PFC) to comply with the harmonic current emissions requirements of EN 61000-3-2. Refer to WEG for further details.