Through the company's strategic direction for its business model, WEG has, in all its business units, more efficient solutions and products with less environmental impact, such as renewable energy (solar and wind power), electric mobility and energy efficiency. WEG develops products considering strict risk criteria related to health and safety. In the development phase, analyzes such as Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Risk Assessment are applied.
Below are some highlights, considering the variety of products and solutions that the company provides to the market through its different business units.
Efficient and compact solution thar delivers high performance with reduced size and weight in comparison to the previous line (up to 25% higher power density – kW/kg) and its competitors. Therefore, it makes rational use of raw materials in the manufacture of motors and reduces the potential effects of their transformation, cutting down GHG emissions by about 15% in comparison to the previous line.
High-tech VSD for driving and controlling three-phase induction and permanent magnet motors. Thanks to its technology, this VSD model provides energy savings, safety, increased productivity and quality in the process network in which it is implemented. The CFW900, together with permanent magnet motors, offers the highest energy efficiency solution on the market. The new HMI with Bluetooth® connectivity is ideal for panel builders and repair shops, enabling programming, monitoring, parameter backup and other functionalities via tablets or smartphones.
For application in front load washing machines, it delivers a 60% improvement in the performance of the operating cycle and, consequently, a reduction of GHG emissions during the operation phase. This line currently represents 20% of the volume sold by WEG for front load washing machines.
In July 2022, WEG announced the release of a new wind turbine platform with 7 MW power and 172 meters of blade rotor diameter. This wind turbine will become the largest machine in operation in the Brazilian market. More powerful and efficient, the new model brings greater generation to wind projects.
WEG established itself as one of the main suppliers of products and solutions for solar plants in Brazil, bringing efficiency that drives sustainability in cities, industries, agribusiness and homes across the country. WEG has a vast portfolio of products for all the stages of photovoltaic solar generation projects, with solutions for the energy conversion and internal distribution system, from the plant to the point of connection to the electrical system through high voltage substations.
WEG was selected to supply the generators for São Roque Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in the city of Vargem-SC. The generators are one of the most important parts of the enterprise for São Roque Hydroelectric Power Plant. With 285 tons each and approximately eight meters in diameter, this equipment is among the largest electric hydrogenerators ever produced by WEG.
São Roque Hydroelectric Power Plant has an installed capacity of 142 MW, which, on average, is enough to supply a city with approximately 170,000 inhabitants. The generators started commercial operation in July 2022.
Energy storage systems are used in commercial or industrial facilities, being the complete solution for storage and management of electrical energy. They can be configured to perform various functions in smart systems for generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy. The system is composed of an energy control and management solution, and it is mainly recommended for applications in systems installed behind the meter in industries, stores, shopping malls, residential condominiums and electric mobility infrastructure.
The reliability of the transformers developed for solar plants aims at guaranteeing the supply of energy, allowing access to electricity through renewable energy generation sources. In the line of transformers for wind farms, WEG developed an extremely compact electrical and mechanical transformer design. Additionally, due to the installation layout, in which the source and the transforming unit are very close to each other, the system produces smaller losses and greater energy efficiency.
WEG continually develops innovative technologies to create electric traction systems, as well as all the electrical infrastructure necessary for the operation of electric vehicles. WEG electric traction systems can drive various road, rail and navigation vehicles, such as urban trucks and buses, vans, forklifts, trains, monorails, support vessels and tugboats.
Smart systems are able to integrate different devices and machines, as well as installations and processes, promoting efficiency in decision-making and increasing operational efficiency. Smarter solutions and systems also promote more efficient use of energy resources helping reduce the carbon footprint of operations at all levels.
WEG supplies completely integrated control systems that guarantee high performance of industrial processes, easy operation and productivity gains by means of state-of-the-art technology. The success of the integration of this system is in the synergy of WEG products, where motors, drives, generators, electric panels and software applications are integrated, providing the ideal solution for each requirement. The control of industrial processes requires automation systems with high reliability and uptime levels, in addition to easy asset management by the maintenance teams, extending the equipment service life and streamlining the use of resources.
La gestion de la flotte de transformateurs WEG est la solution idéale pour surveiller en ligne et gérer la flotte de transformateurs à huile ou de type sec, permettant aux clients de maximiser l'efficacité de leurs opérations, en soutien à la gestion optimisée des usines industrielles, de la production d'énergies renouvelables et de l'infrastructure. La solution Spécialiste des Transformateurs de Puissance WEG est une solution numérique appliquée dans la surveillance et la gestion des transformateurs de puissance qui, intégrée à la plateforme WEG Transformer Fleet Management, centralise les signaux d'une série de capteurs installés sur l'équipement.
Développé pour apporter plus de praticité et d'agilité dans l'opération, la maintenance et la gestion des usines industrielles, le WEG Motion Fleet Management est la solution idéale pour surveiller et augmenter la disponibilité de la flotte d'entraînement industriel. Basé sur la technologie "cloud computing", la surveillance des actifs peut être suivie à tout moment et de n'importe où dans le monde. Avec Motion Fleet Management, il est possible de connaître l'état opérationnel des moteurs et des entraînements (onduleurs et démarreurs doux) de basse et moyenne tension, des réducteurs, des moteurs-réducteurs, des compresseurs entre autres actifs, qui sont appliqués dans n'importe quel type d'industrie ou d'installation.
La technologie Ultra Low Bake (ULB) consiste à réduire le temps de durcissement ou la température de durcissement des peintures en poudre. Associé à cette réduction de temps ou de température (qui peut atteindre jusqu'à 35% de réduction), en réduisant la quantité de gaz utilisé dans les serres de durcissement de leurs clients et partenaires et réduisant les émissions de GES.
Les partenaires de WEG qui possèdent cette technologie dans leur ligne de production, en plus de la réduction de l'impact environnemental, voient une augmentation significative de leur productivité et de leur compétitivité. WEG propose quarante produits développés à cette fin.
WEG adopte, dans sa chaîne de valeur, des initiatives qui sont alignées sur les principes de l'économie circulaire, grâce à des pratiques comme la réinsertion de déchets des processus comme matières premières, par exemple des déchets d'acier de l'usine d'estampage pour la fabrication de pièces moulées, l'adoption de programmes de récupération de matériaux en fin de vie des produits grâce à la logistique inversée et des plans d'échange.
L'application de ces concepts et pratiques a permis à WEG d'atteindre un taux d' efficacité matérielle proche de 85%. WEG est également en constante amélioration et évolution de l'efficacité énergétique de ses produits et des solutions de rénovation pour prolonger la durée de vie de certaines gammes de produits. Des équipes qualifiées interviennent à la fois dans les processus de développement de nouveaux produits et dans la conception de nouvelles lignes, ainsi que dans la mise en place de processus industriels plus efficaces.
WEG applique l'ACV (Analyse du Cycle de Vie), générant des EPD (Déclarations Environnementales de Produit) en fonction des demandes des clients, avec l'intention, dans les prochaines années, d'élargir l'application de ces outils.