A WEG, do princípio aos dias de hoje. Conheça a evolução da nossa História, saiba mais da nossa evolução e conquistas.
Em abril de 1961 nasce a ideia de criar uma empresa para fabricar motores elétricos. No dia 16 de setembro, Werner Ricardo Voigt, Eggon João da Silva e Geraldo Werninghaus fundam a WEG. Capital Social inicial: Cr$ 3.600,00 (três mil e seiscentos cruzeiros).
WEG compra o terreno e inicia a construção do Parque Fabril I. No mesmo ano, começa a fabricar no local.
1ª Convenção Nacional de Vendas e Fundação da Associação Recreativa da WEG (ARWEG).
Criada a primeira CIPA.
Criação do CENTROWEG. Na época, a região não oferecia treinamento técnico e os fundadores criaram o CENTROWEG para capacitar os colaboradores. A escola insere adolescentes no mundo da tecnologia, revelando e incentivando grandes talentos.
Criada a política de qualidade WEG e produção do 1º motor conforme Normas ABNT e IEC. A preocupação com a qualidade está no DNA da WEG. Desde a fundação, a empresa preocupa-se em atender todas as normas exigidas.
Início das exportações para a Guatemala, Uruguai, Paraguai Equador e Bolívia.
Ações da WEG entram na Bolsa de Valores.
Surge o primeiro parque de reflorestamento.
Compra do terreno Parque Fabril II e início da construção da fábrica.
Exportação de motores chega a 20 países.
Sai o motor 1 milhão.
Abertura de um escritório na Alemanha com uma parceria local – Motores Jara
Inauguração do parque Fabril II.
Implantação do Centro Tecnológico (Parque Fabril I)
Creation of WEG Acionamentos
Creation of WEG Transformadores and WEG Energia.
Creation of the QCC.
Launch of the first line of contactors and protection relays.
Launch of the first high power motors – 100 to 200 KW
WEG Química is created
WEG receives the first award: “Exame Magazine - Best and Biggest Ones”.
Creation of WEG Automação
Mr. Eggon João da Silva leaves the presidency and hands it over to Décio da Silva. The founders form the Board of Directors.
Production of the first transformer of 10 thousand kVA, 138 kV, with 35 tons and 5.6m high. The largest produced in Santa Catarina state then.
Opening of a Branch in the USA.
Opening of one of the most modern foundries of Latin America in the city of Guaramirim (State of Santa Catarina).
Distribution of the first profit sharing.
WEG receives, for the first time, the ISO 9001 certification.
Creation of the Industrial Business Centers
Branch in Germany.
The first WEG Community Action is carried out.
Branch in England.
WEG receives the National Quality Award.
Branches in France, Spain and Sweden.
WEG reaches 79% of market share of electric motors in Brazil, and it exports 29% of its production to approximately 55 countries.
Acquisition of the first factory abroad (Argentina and Mexico).
Revenue reaches the first billion reais in a single year.
WEG receives ISO 14001 certification.
Acquisition of manufacturing plant in Portugal.
Supply of the largest WEG transformer until then (200MVA, 550kV).
Opening of WEG museum.
Manufacture of the largest generator of the world (50,000kVA, 13.8kV, 4 poles).
Opening of the first manufacturing plant in China.
Opening of a branch in Singapore.
Acquisition of the manufacturing plant in Manaus.
Production of the motor number 100,000,000.
Acquisition of Trafo, manufacturer of large power transformers, and conventional and mobile substations, with units in the city of Gravataí (State of Rio Grande do Sul) and Hortolândia (State of São Paulo).
WEG acquire the hydraulic turbines manufacturer Hidráulica Industrial S/A - HISA. The acquisition reinforces WEG's position on the energy generation, transmission and distribution segment.
It is listed in Bovespa Novo Mercado, a segment of the stock market that trades stocks of companies that voluntarily adopt corporate governance practices in addition to those required by the Brazilian legislation.
Décio da Silva takes over the presidency of the WEG Board of Directors and Harry Schmelzer Jr. takes over as WEG's CEO
Opening of a branch in Russia.
Building of the Transformer Manufacturing Plant in Mexico (Huehuetoca)
Beginning of the manufacturing operations of WEG India.
Acquisition of Instrutech, in São Paulo, a Brazilian company manufacturer of safety, commercial and industrial automation products and systems.
Acquisition of share control of Voltran.
Acquisition of Zest Electric, WEG distributor in South Africa.
Acquisition of the coating factory Pulverlux in Argentina.
Acquisition of the distributor FOURNAIS A/S in Denmark.
Acquisition of Watt Drive AntriebstechnikGmbH, Austrian company specialized in the development and manufacture of gearboxes, gearmotors, frequency inverters and drive systems.
Acquisition of the Electric Machinery company in the USA. A company specialized in motors, generators and exciters.
Establishment of the Joint-Venture with CESTARI Industrial e Comercial – a company located in the city of Monte Alto (State of São Paulo) – to develop, manufacture and trade gearboxes and gearmotors.
Beginning of the manufacturing of wind turbines
Publishing of the book WEG 50 years.
Opening of WEG India (WII) in Hosur.
Establishment of the branch in Peru.
Opening of WEG Linhares (State of Espírito Santo).
Acquisition of Injetel Indústria e Comércio de Componentes Plásticos Ltda., a company specialized in manufacturing and trading switches, sockets and plugs for commercial and residential applications.
Acquisition of Stardur Tintas Especiais Ltda., a company of industrial and automotive refinish coatings located in the city of Indaiatuba (State of São Paulo).
First supply in wind power generation. Equipment with capacity of 90 MW was installed on a wind farm located in the Northeast of Brazil.
International sales reached 51% (NOI) of WEG's revenue.
Acquisition of Indústria de Tintas e Vernizes Paumar S.A., a company specialized in manufacturing and trading coatings, varnishes, enamels and lacquers.
Opening of the branch in Ecuador.
Acquisition of the transformer and substation manufacturing business from Hawker Siddeley Electric Africa (Pty) Ltd. located in South Africa. Manufacturer of miniature substations and distribution transformers.
Acquisition of Antriebstechnik KATT Hessen GmbH, a company that manufactures special high speed motors. Headquartered in Homberg with a branch in Dresden, Germany.
Acquisition of the FTC Energy Group, a company that manufactures and assembles electrical panels for process automation based in Bogota, Colombia.
Acquisition of the manufacturing plant of motors and gearmotors from Württembergische Elektromotoren GmbH located in Germany.
Acquisition of the manufacturing plants of electric motors for appliances Changzhou Sinya Electromotor Co. and of the manufacturing plant of component parts Changzhou Machine Master Co. located in China.
Acquisition of a service unit from Efacec Energy Service in the city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes (State of Pernambuco).
Acquisition of the manufacturing plant of high voltage transformers, miniature substations, molded-case circuit breakers and related services from TSS Transformers (Pty) Ltd (“TSS”), manufacturer headquartered in Heidelberg (Gauteng), South Africa.
Acquisition of Transformadores Suntec, headquartered in Medelin, Colombia
WEG is chosen Company of the Year by Exame magazine.
WEG has manufacturing plants in eleven countries and commercial offices in 29 countries. It has over 31,000 employees.
Acquisition of Autrial S.L., manufacturer of electrical panels for industrial installations and equipment headquartered in Valencia, Spain.
WEG acquires Bluffton Motor Works, LCC., an electric motor factory in the USA.
WEG greenfield manufacturing site in Rugao, China.
Acquires the Brazilian turbines manufacturer TGM. Acquires the US transformers business of CG Power.
Enters in the business of solutions for industry 4.0 with the creation of a specific department for digital businesses and the acquisition of 51% of the share capital of PPI-Multitask and V2COM.
Acquires the control of two startups: BirminD, a technology company active in the Artificial Intelligence market applied to Industrial Analytics and MVISIA, which is specialized in artificial intelligence solutions applied to computer vision for the industry.
Announcement of the construction of a new factory in Santo Tirso, Portugal. The company intends to invest 23.5 million euros to build 22,600 m² on the same land where WEG already has a 16,300 m² operation dedicated to the manufacture of low-voltage industrial motors. It will expand the production of large electric motors and transfer its factory located in Maia to Santo Tirso, centralizing all operations in the same place. The new factory in Santo Tirso is expected to start operating in the first quarter of 2024 and generate about 100 new jobs.
• Launch of the WEG Carbon Neutral Program with the following overall goals:
1. Reduce 52%* of emissions** by 2030
2. Achieve Net-Zero (neutral net emissions) by 2050
*Global average of WEG operations. Targets by operation and country follow the country's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) or 52%, whichever is higher.
**WEG Global Emissions of Scope 1 (fossil fuels) and 2 (non-renewable energy), base year 2021. Purpose: Develop technologies and solutions to contribute to building a more efficient and sustainable world.
• Inauguration of the WEG motor factory in Algeria.
Alberto Yoshikazu Kuba is the new executive president of WEG, taking over the position previously held by Harry Schmelzer Jr. for 16 years.
Photo:Exame/Leandro Fonseca