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Fispal Tecnologia takes place from June 27 to 30 in São Paulo Know more
Partnership between WEG, Thames Water and BGEN replaces large motors at Ashford Commom water treatment plant Know more
Now, in addition to motor information, WEG customers can access data related to automation and industrial control solutions, paints and varnishes, and alternators Know more
FLSmidth selected water-cooled motors with automatic brush lifting system for plant expansion Know more
Partnership focuses on technologies for smart, safe and up to three times faster charging than the standard Know more
The company has supplied more than 11,000 liters of paint to ensure the vessel's resistance and durability Know more
As soluções WEG dedicadas para elevadores serão expostas no maior evento e vitrine tecnológica do segmento de transportes verticais da América Latina Know more
The equipment will be responsible for the energy distribution in the plant and for the connection to the power grid to send the energy to the concessionaire Know more
The document details the Company's commitments on environmental, social and governance issues Know more
Developed with interchangeability criteria, the alternator will add reliability to the operation Know more