Alimentos & Bebidas

Do you intend to increase productivity and reduce the operating cost of Food and Beverage production? Count on WEG.

WEG offers a complete range of products and solutions for Food and Beverage.

WEG’s designed products ensure seamless quality and high technology standards and comply with worldwide market requirements, even the most stringent ones. WEG also offers skilled and qualified technical staff that provide technical support to its customers and ensure the most efficient solution for the Meat, Poultry and Seafood, Bakery, Grains, Beverage, Dairy and Aquaculture industries. WEG consistently invests in R&D, promoting technical cooperation with universities and research centers to bring state-of-the-art technologies for safe and reliable product solutions in the sustainable and profitable food supply chain.


Product quality, efficiency, support and customer relationship are part of WEG’s values. WEG offers the widest range of solutions in electrical equipment, automation and paints for the Food and Beverage, combining the experience of the market with an environmental concerned company. WEG products were developed with a modern design and high performance standard, giving F&B applications low maintenance, high reliability and flexibility, resulting in industrial solutions of greater efficiency and safety.


Com estrutura de produção verticalizada, alta capacidade de pesquisa e inovação, o portfólio WEG inclui soluções da da produção ao processamento e do armazenamento à distribuição, sempre fornecendo produtos de última geração com confiabilidade, eficiência e segurança que atendem a todos os requisitos do exigente segmento de Alimentos e Bebidas.

Saiba mais sobre as novidades da WEG para o segmento de Alimentos & Bebidas