Solutions for Water

The challenges imposed by climate changes and the reduction of natural resources demand a sustainable management of water. Watch the video and understand what WEG is doing for this segment.

Efficiency and reliability for the water segment

WEG products stand out for the efficiency and flexibility of their electrical and mechanical design, adapting to the most demanding customer requirements in different applications, with a full range of products for the water industry.

Technology dedicated to your application Efficiency dedicated to our planet

WEG solutions for water utilise frequency drives and soft starters of low and medium voltage with integrated PLC, allowing the use of dedicated functions for pumping (Pump Genius), panels and MCCs of low and medium voltage, container-type electrical rooms, in addition to a full line of component parts for electrical panels.

Excellence in power supply technologies

WEG's transformers line is supported by 9 manufacturing plants across three continents. WEG manufactures transformers for industrial, utility, public power and renewable energy markets.

The WEG transformers product line includes a wide range of customized solutions to fit all your power needs. WEG manufactures unit substation transformers, power transformers and autotransformers up to 250 MVA and 345kV.

WEG offers complete service and post-sales support including: jobsite receipt inspections, field service, on-site supervision, start-up assistance and site testing.

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