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You must be a plant administrator to grant access to others. You can do that in the "Menu" - "Users" panel. Select the Group you want to allow access to and click on "Search". Click on the "+Add/Change plant access" button, add the email of the person you want to add, and choose the type of access to be granted.
Note: the users who will be added to the plant must have their email registered on the MFM before access is granted.
Using the “Change images” option within the assets plant, it is possible to load an image or modify the image assigned to the desired plant.
It is important to check the time zone set in the plant through the option “Menu” – “Registration and Edition” – “System”. In the “Actions” column, choose the “Edit” option for the desired plant and edit the “Time Zone” field according to the desired time zone. The edit option can only be accessed by a user with an administrator profile.
An event is characterized by the change in the state of one of the parameters that the WEG Motor Scan monitors. The change in the state indicates that one of the alarm criteria has been exceeded, both for the alert level and for the critical level.