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The Specialist module is the module that performs diagnostics and predicts possible failures using AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms, in addition to “learning” new behavior patterns.
To use this feature, customers who have an active annual subscription to the Motion Fleet Management may purchase the annual subscription to the Specialist module for their sensor.
The Exchange module is the module that allows our customers to access data from our WEG Motor Fleet Management and export it to their platform.
To use this resource, customers who have an active annual subscription to the Motion Fleet Management may purchase the annual subscription to the Exchange module for their sensor.
The Motion Fleet Management is a new tool for monitoring motors and other assets, such as variable speed drives (low and medium voltage), gearboxes and pumps. It has a user-friendly interface, and its navigability makes it easy to locate assets quickly.
The IoT Portal will receive the registration of new WEG Motor Scans for customers using this platform.
WEG Motor Scans manufactured until 06/23/2020 with code 14445601 have a built-in 1-year subscription to the Software. For WEG Motor Scans manufactured after this date with code 15521739, the customer must purchase a subscription plan to be able to use a new registration.
Migrations are not compulsory. If customers wish to migrate the data from the IoT Portal, they must contact WEG via the e-mail