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The Motion Fleet Management (MFM) is a software based on cloud computing developed by WEG and dedicated to monitoring assets that drive machinery and equipment (LV and MV motors and VSDs, and gearmotors), as well as pumps, compressors and fans. With this software, customers will be able to view the assets of their plants and better manage those resources.
In the MFM software, go to "Menu" – "Registration and Edition" – "System". In the "Actions" column, choose the "Edit" option for the desired plant. Allow Google Chrome to find it automatically or locate it manually by dragging the location balloon on the map. The edit option can only be accessed by a user with an administrator profile.
You must attach it in the same way and position as on motors that work in the horizontal position. However, it will be necessary to consider the understanding of the direction and orientation of the axes, for later interpretation of the data in the MFM.