Nous sommes nés dans les années 60 en tant qu'entreprise de moteurs, et une entreprise de moteurs est née pour faire bouger le monde.
Mais nous sommes aussi une source d'idées et d'innovations, agités, vibrants, intenses et infatigables dans la recherche des meilleures solutions pour nos clients.
Nous sommes une entreprise mondiale qui évolue au rythme des besoins de la société et de l'économie de notre époque.
Nous contribuons à un monde plus efficient et durable en investissant dans des technologies pour la transition énergétique et dans des solutions intelligentes pour l'industrie, la campagne, les villes et les foyers.
Our sustainability strategy is based on 4 pillars, each supported by themes and objectives:
Provide products and services with the best efficiency and lowest carbon footprint, being the partner for our customers' decarbonization journey.
Improve circular design, expanding recyclability, dematerialization and durability of materials, products and packaging.
Engaging a supply chain with ethics in Human Rights, Labor Relations and Environmental Preservation, assessing risks and enabling its development.
Promote the management of restricted materials according to the socio-environmental impacts of the business.
Optimize eco-efficiency in natural resource management, reducing, conserving and/or regenerating them, considering the impacts on ecosystems.
Reduce emissions and waste from industrial processes, ensuring proper treatment and disposal, and promoting the recycling and reuse of materials aligned with circularity principles.
Guarantee the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, promoting carbon neutrality in operations and contributing to medium and long-term global goals.
Expand the use of renewable energy (acquired or self-produced) and strive for excellence in operational efficiency in processes and businesses.
Guarantee safe working conditions, promote physical and mental health, trust in relationships, alternative ways of working, generating a culture of quality of life.
Build an inclusive, innovative and high-performance environment, valuing diversity and empowering multiculturalism at all hierarchical levels of the company.
Ensure human rights recognized in international agreements and promote a culture of respect for others.
Generate socioeconomic and environmental value in communities, through education, health and well-being, generation of knowledge and expertise in low-carbon technologies.
Strengthen the company's relationship with communities, considering local demands.
Seek to incorporate the preservation of biodiversity into current management practices.
Strengthen WEG's culture of principles and values, ethics, integrity, and anti-corruption.
Reduce and mitigate risks, considering ESG criteria.
Develop leaders and employees, strengthening competencies for business sustainability challenges.
Communicate about products, services, and the evolution of ESG topics, with transparency, generating value for stakeholders.