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WEG crece cada día y abre nuevas oportunidades para las personas innovadoras y creativas que buscan el desarrollo para crecer con la Compañía. Si usted es una de esas personas que desea construir su carrera en una Compañía sólida con presencia global, esta es su oportunidad.

Know more about WEG's presence in India

WEG Industries (India) Pvt. Ltd., an Organization driven with the values of Ethics, Integrity and Teamwork marked its first step in the Electrical Motors & Generators Industry in the year 2011 and nurtured itself into a business of 400 Crores with a sustainable year by year growth.

Spread across an area of 32 acres in a beautiful landscape of SIPCOT II Industrial area in Hosur it provides a work environment closer to the nature.

We are known in the market for our Customized products and large frame size in adherence to the standards such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2015, IEC 18001 etc.,