WEG efficiency

Refrigeration Compressors

Temperature uniformity and energy savings

In general, they are the machines that present the highest consumption in meat packing plants, supermarkets, shopping malls, among others that use cold rooms. The reduction in the energy consumption may reach 30% with WEG energy efficiency solution, which consists of a high-efficiency set:

  • Electric motor W22 IE3 Premium or W22 IE4 Super Premium, and CFW11 or CFW700 variable speed drive.
  • Electric motor W22 Magnet IE4 Super Premium or W22 Magnet IE5 Ultra Premium, and CFW11 variable speed drive.

Other gains include temperature uniformity in the cold room, greater thermal comfort (in case of air conditioning systems) and reduced mechanical wear.


  • Electric energy savings of up to 30%.
  • Temperature uniformity in the cold room or tunnel freezer.
  • Greater thermal comfort in air
  • conditioning systems.
  • Reduced wear of mechanical parts.

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